Donate to make a difference.

Your donation supports the many valuable resources and services the Elting Library offers the community.

Ways You Can Support Your Library

Public funding enables the Elting Memorial Library to be a responsive community resource; the private donations of a generous, dedicated community make our Library an exceptional resource for all!

Donors are recognized, unless anonymity is requested. Donations may be made online, by mail, or in person. We accept all major credit cards, checks payable to the Elting Memorial Library, or cash. Contributions to the Elting Memorial Library, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Annual Fund

Public funds alone do not provide for the many programs and services our constituents require. Your donation, whatever the amount, helps us to meet the informational, educational, cultural, and entertainment needs of the community. You may designate your contribution for a specific service area or program, if you so choose.

Memorial Gifts

Consider making a donation in honor or memory of a friend or loved one. We will inform the individual or family of your thoughtful gesture.

Another option is to purchase a new books for the Library from one of our two Wishlists. Raymundo Jackson Memorial Fund or Children’s Library Fund.

Charitable Bequests

Designating the Elting Memorial Library as a beneficiary in your will ensures an exceptional Library for future generations. Bequests (and other forms of planned gifts) have an enduring impact on Library programs and services and provide for long-term growth. Feel free to contact Library Director, Crystal Middleton at (845) 255-5030 or email at to discuss your options.

Matching Gifts

Many corporations will match contributions made to non-profit organizations by current or retired employees. Call your human resources department to find out if and how they will match your gift to the Elting Memorial Library.