Homebound Delivery Service
Elting Memorial Library offers a Homebound Delivery service to improve access for those who have difficulty coming to the Library. This is a FREE, volunteer-driven service for New Paltz cardholders who are unable to come to the library and can be used on a temporary or more permanent basis.
Elting Memorial Library's Homebound Delivery service is made possible through the efforts of volunteers. We could not run this program without you - and we need more of you! Homebound Delivery volunteers will normally sign up for a 2-week shift to make daily trips to the library to pick up books, and then make their way around town to deliver the books. Accommodations can be made, however, so if you are interested in being a book delivery superstar, please use the contact information below.
Please fill out the form below to sign up for this service. If you have any questions, please contact:
Kevin O’Leary, Head of Circulation
(845) 255-5030 ex. 2
Your donation helps us provide many of our services, programs, resources, and collections to the community. We could not do this without your support.